Monday, June 9, 2008

Lessons From Reformed Guys

As stated in my last blog post, I am not reformed in theology. I am Arminian and not Calvinist. I am more specifically apostolic and believe Calvinist doctrine is false doctrine and error however in recent times I have been listening to quite a bit of reformed guys. The top of the list would be John Piper who some guy jokingly said must be a distant cousin of Jesus but it also includes people like CJ Mahaney, Mark Driscoll, and John MacArthur. While I do have major doctrinal differences with these men I must admit that I have learnt a few things from them thus far from them.

1. Stay In The Bible

One thing I've noticed is that these guys take the words "Preach the word" literally. This really hits home when you see guys like Mark Driscoll who is a young pastor not following the trend to preach on some popular theme in today's culture but doing a biblical exposition of a scriptural passage. This especially re-enforces the fact that biblical is still relevant. It re-enforces the fact that the bible must be our final answer for all of our doctrine.

I remember hearing Mark Driscoll saying that when he asked his pastor what books he thought were good for him to read and his pastor took up the bible and asked if he had read it. His response was that he had read a bit of it but he wanted to know if there were any other books he should read. His pastor's response was that he should not think of reading anything until he had really gotten acquainted with his bible. Old school? Maybe but it will surely keep you on course.

I also remembering Dr. Piper in a Q & A session saying that he did not have a TV. He did not condemn those who did but said he did not have time for one and his most striking reason was that he would not have enough time to read his bible. He claims that even without him he still doesn't seem to have enough time to read. It must be noted that this man puts much emphasis on the word of God; reading it, studying it and memorizing it. This is a must for Christian living because the word of God is the sword of the spirit.

2. Doctrine Does Matter

Many in today's world argue for the ecumenicalism of the Christian Community. It is said that doctrine divides and God really wants unity and we should lay aside doctrinal preaching in favor of stuff that tells us how to handle our problems better. Reformed guys stand opposed to this and are committed to doctrinal preaching. What is even more interesting is that there churches are growing even with their emphasis on their doctrine which is supposed to divide and be irrelevant.

I believe apostolics can learn something from this. Our doctrine is important and must be proclaimed, we cannot run the risk of blurring lines and not being distinctive in our doctrine. In our ranks Bishop Paul D. Mooney, Assistant General Superintendent of the UPCI is famous for the statement: "You can't have a revival without doctrine." While we do not have to be mean or offensive in our presentation we must remain focussed on the truth of God's word and contend for doctrinal purity.

3. Focus On Jesus

It is really amazing that a trinitarian. Mark Driscoll has caused me, a Oneness Apostolic to love and appreciate Jesus more and more. One thing I must note about this pastor is the number of times he says Jesus in his preaching, not God ( Which is so abstract and non-specific) but the name Jesus. There is something so Christian about focusing on Jesus. It is something I notice they try to do and it has challenged me to do the same. It just seems that all their preaching is somehow focussed on Jesus. In reflection I have to admit that it seems allot of my preaching does not do that - I preach about living right, getting a blessing and other stuff but I am not sure how Christ centered it all is.

In one of his messages Driscoll also made public his anger over a group of Christian Churches having a rabbi speak and reveal to them the "secrets of the Old Testament". His anger was because the secret of the Old Testament is Jesus and this rabbi does not believe that Jesus is the Christ. Hebrews 12 tells us that we are not only to lay aside the weight and sin that besets us but we are also to run with patience, looking onto Jesus. It is interesting that when I read the book of Acts every time I see anyone preaching they were preaching only one thing : Jesus. It may be that is a reason for many of the miracles performed for them, when Jesus is preached in his glory and power everything we need will follow. In his name is authority and power and everything we need is gained through that name.

4. Preach The Gospel

Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 makes clear what the Gospel is: Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, he was buried, and he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures. It is interesting that most ever preacher claims to be a preacher of the Gospel but few ever really preach the Gospel outside of the Easter season. I believe that the Gospel message of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection must be central to our Christian message because it is the only reason why we are saved.

Reformed preachers are becoming allot more palletable for me than allot of charismatic preaching which focuses mainly on prosperity and money. At the 2008 General Conference of the United Pentecostal Church, Bishop James Kilgore preached on the cross and challenged young preachers to preach on the cross, the name and the cross and he would guarantee a revival. I have taken up that challenge and since then allot of my preaching has been more Gospel centered and I definately have seen the effects, if not just on the live of those I preach too but mainly upon myself.

One of the major distinctive doctrines of pentecostal theology is divine healing which is so clearly tied to the Gospel in Isiah's prophecy of the suffering savior. It therefore can not be separated from the the message of the cross. It is also a liberating thing to know the great truth that Jesus Paid it all.

These 4 lessons have helped me, I believe to be a better Christian and a better preacher and I pray that they bless you:
  1. Stay In the Bible
  2. Doctrine Does Matter
  3. Focus on Jesus
  4. Preach The Gospel
D.C. Lake

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